Please be patient.
Upload times depend both upon the size of your document and your internet connection. This may take a while.

Upload Your Files

PDF files can take a lot of time and hassle out of your print job. For this reason
we prefer Adobe PDF file format.

If you would like to convert your files
to PDF, now you can do it online.
[Make PDF Online]

To Upload Your Files
  1. Click the Browse button
  2. Navigate to the file you want to upload from your computer
  3. Click on Submit.
NOTE: For files larger than 100MB we suggest using Dropbox ( Provide us the link to your file, or share your project's folder with us at


Please make sure to save your file before you upload it as a high resolution file.

If you want to change the name of the file for the upload,
do that on your computer BEFORE selecting it with the Browse button.

  * required information
Choose a File*:

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